Thursday, 10 March 2011

If the shoe fits

Been hoarding a number of pretty soles lately. A is starting to notice the growing pile of new shoes, for that, I just say, "they're old ones, forgot i even had 'em!" I don't understand why I have to lie about shopping. I just can't bring myself to tell him how much time and money I spend on new clothes, shoes, make up, and other "unnecessary" items...guilty as charged! Lately, I justify my purchases by going to vintage shops and thrift stores and going shopping only on SALE season..also started selling some of my old stuff on ebay. Atleast I get to really fund my shopping an get rid of the old ones ;)

I've got 4 shoes still in boxes waiting to be let out into the streets, but I still can't stop thinking about a few more pairs I recently saw on ebay today!

Lemme show you just a few of my newly acquired babies (Nude Zara pumps, Black studded Wet Seal booties, Black caged Anne Michelle)

Now, here's my wish list... too scared I might go on a binge in the next...ummm..3 hours...

Vintage Oxford-ish Pumps
Tribal print platforms

Nude Criss Cross platforms

Brown Sparkly Oxford booties

A girl can never have two many shoes, right? =)


  1. Love all these styles! You have great taste!


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