Saturday, 9 June 2012

Wedding Weekend

F.O.O.D  T.A.S.T.I.N.G

Probably the best part in planning our wedding! So while i'm in the beach this weekend, I'm sharing these lovely and tasty dishes from K By Cunanan.

Crostini Ratatouille

Hoisin chicken wrap

Raspberry Iced Tean and Vanilla Water

Insalata Caprese

Cheese Broccoli Soup

Carrot Rice

Roast Beef with Creamy Spinach
Herbed Chicken with Salsa and baby Potatoes

Seafood Pasta

Honey Nut Prawns



  1. i LOVED food tasting for our wedding!! and cake tasting was even better! ;) good luck planning and thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. Thanks is more excruciating than I had anticipated! ;)


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